Black Teas
Tea Trio Edition
Great Teas of India
You won’t be needing any luggage for this trip through the famed tea gardens of India. We have sourced tea from two well-known regions plus one up-and-comer. Assam and Darjeeling are represented with their long-established fine leaf selection with relatively unknown Bihar close at their heels. These 50g tasters give an overview of the variety offered by these extremely different terroirs.
Assam ‘Corramore’: A perfect tea for the breakfast table. A deep and malty 2nd flush, providing an invigorating start to the day, with or without milk.
Bihar ‘Doke’: This newer garden really wowed us with their fresh take on a black 1st flush. Sweet and light with tantalizing notes of molasses.
Darjeeling ‘Lingia’: An established favourite at Clement & Pekoe. A delicate and fresh 1st flush, this is a great example of the flavour profile unique to this high mountain region.
Includes a handwritten card explaining the specifics of each tea.